Hera Group: your Multiservices - Gruppohera ENG - Liferay DXP (2024)

Table of Contents
Slider Multi CTA Hp Gruppo NEW Hera: yesterday, today, tomorrow Hera: yesterday, today, tomorrow HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Together to Build the Future HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector A sustainable strategy A sustainable strategy HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Asset Publisher A Circular Vision A Circular Vision HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Asset Publisher Group - Find out more Our purpose Shared Value Investments Shared Value Investments HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Tool HeraShare NEW Euroland in HP Group HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Dividend HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Related content Investimenti Sostenibili/Perchè Investire Our Governance System Our Governance System HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Cards Custom Governance HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Innovators by nature Motivo di orgoglio HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Blomberg Gender Equality Index Top Employer Together we can make a difference HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Bolle in HP Gruppo 1,494.7 776,0 14,897.3 322.2 148,2 73/100 HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Continous Growth Continous Growth News hp eng NEWS HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Asset Publisher Upcoming events Upcoming events HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Asset Publisher Social Wall Social Wall HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Link al Twitter del Gruppo Hera youtube homepage NEW HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Related content Price Sensitive Press Releases Price Sensitive Press Releases HeraAssetPublisherFilterComuneSelector Asset Publisher Pre-Footer Standard

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Towards Net Zero

Our long-term strategy

for climate neutrality

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Interactive 2023 annual report

The results of a multi-business strategy and long-term value creation,
rising to tomorrow’s challenges today

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2023 sustainability report

Approved from Hera Spa Cda on 26/03/2024.
Shared value creation and stakeholder engagement:
the story of an enterprise committed to leaving its mark, but not its footprint

See the 2023 online report

Hera Group: your Multiservices - Gruppohera ENG - Liferay DXP (1)See the 2023 highlights

2023 results

See the annual report at 31/12/2023 and the sustainability report

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Together Newsletter
Sharing stories and ideas


Innovation for

We invest in research and development to find new solutions that aim for a
sustainable future, creating value for our Group and the local area we serve.

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Hera: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Hera: yesterday, today, tomorrow

The Hera Group is the first Italian coalescence of municipally owned companies that (adopting a multi-business approach oriented to the creation of shared value for all stakeholders) manages the supply of energy, water and environmental services, as well as public lighting and telecommunications to citizens and businesses. Founded in 2002 and listed on the Italian stock exchange in 2003, Hera has made its direct relationship with the territory a real asset that has improved its resilience and ability to drive change: ecological transition, circular economy and innovation. Within the national context, the prime position of our Group can be detected from its statistics: more than 9,400 employees work to offer tailor-made services for customers and businesses, and to meet the needs of 4.2 million citizens in 311 municipalities located in Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Marche and Tuscany.

Citizens and customers have always been aware of the vital need for the services we provide to the local area, and they recognise our reliability, competence, and responsibility in managing the business. This confirms and strengthens the "purpose" that directs us and encourages us to strengthen our strong ties with the communities we serve.

For further informations

Discover the value generated in the area

Find out more about our purpose

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Together to Build the Future

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to Build the Future

Every day we face small and big challenges that we can only win together with others.

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A sustainable strategy

A sustainable strategy

Our business plan is based both on regulated markets and on free market activities, always incorporating the principles of sustainability and working to create shared value.

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Asset Publisher

Hera Group: your Multiservices - Gruppohera ENG - Liferay DXP (2)

Financial results as at 30 June 2024

The consolidated financial results as at 30 June 2024 were approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on July 31, 2024

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Interactive 2023 annual report

The results of a multi-business strategy and long-term value creation, rising to tomorrow’s challenges today

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Sustainability report

The 2023 Sustainability report was approved by the Board of Directors of the Hera Group on 26 March 2023

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A Circular Vision

A Circular Vision

Through our activities we contribute to achieving the sustainability goals set out in the UN's 2030 Agenda.
Of the 17 goals set by the United Nations, we pursue 11 that are in line with our services, along three lines: smart use of energy, efficient use of resources, and innovation and contribution to development.

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Asset Publisher

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Smart Use of Energy

We are working towards this goal by reducing our energy consumption, promoting renewable energy sources, and pursuing decarbonisation.

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Hera Group: your Multiservices - Gruppohera ENG - Liferay DXP (8)

Efficient Use of Resources

We are committed to increasing the quality of separate waste collection and the recovery of materials and energy, and are working on major initiatives to improve the circularity of our services.

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Hera Group: your Multiservices - Gruppohera ENG - Liferay DXP (10)

Innovation and contribution to development

We create economic development and employment for our local area by investing in innovation and digitalization. We also focus on initiatives to protect the air and soil.

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Group - Find out more

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Our purpose

Our purpose

Hera for the Planet, People and Prosperity

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Shared Value Investments

Shared Value Investments

Throughout our ongoing growth process, we are committed to offering our investors clear and transparent
information, while working to ensure our shareholders receive an adequate return on their investment
both in economic terms and in terms of creating shared value.

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Tool HeraShare NEW Euroland in HP Group

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In its mission statement, Hera has declared its intention to ensure continuous creation of value for its shareholders, offering a suitable return on the capital they have invested.

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Source: FY23 Report

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Related content

Investimenti Sostenibili/Perchè Investire

Strategy and Business plan

The Hera Group has revised all its five-year targets upwards, first and foremost Ebitda, which is expected to reach 1.65 bn€ in 2027, 355 million more than the 1,295 million seen at the end of 2022, which represents an annual increase of 5.0%. The Plan to 2027 calls for a sharp increase in investments too, amounting to more than 4.4 bn€, or approximately 876 million per year.

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The Business Plan to 2027 is developed within a particularly challenging exogenous context in which the Group has transformed challenges into opportunities and has drawn up a Strategic Plan according to a development model, balanced between all businesses and oriented towards all stakeholders needs, with concrete projects consistent with main national and international policies on energy transition, circular economy and innovation. The guidelines of the new strategic plan are developed according to 3 strategic levers: value creation, protection of corporate assets and sustainable growth.

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Our Governance System

Our Governance System

The mission of our governance system is to create shared value for all our stakeholders. To do so, corporate governance is committed to assessing the constantly evolving environment in which we do business to ensure that growth continues and to strengthen our relationship with the local community.

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Cards Custom Governance

Governance System

An effective system to assess the complex stimuli coming from the surrounding environment.


Governance report

Internal Dealing


The company's executive body

Composition of the BoD

Activity carried out

Governing CSR

Shareholders' meetings

The company's deliberative body

Shareholders' meetings

Vote in general meeting

Shareholders' meetings regulations

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Innovators by nature

Innovators by nature

To continue to innovate, we are setting ourselves increasingly ambitious targets









Reuse above 70% of ground in designing infrastructure between 2018 and 2027.

Provide electronic bills for 45% of customers in 2027.

Continue research and production of recycled plastics.

Improve the quality of our services by investing in innovation, optimization, and research projects.

Find out more

Motivo di orgoglio

For us, the biggest reward is customer satisfaction,
but it is a source of pride when others acknowledge our commitment.

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Blomberg Gender Equality Index

Blomberg Gender - Equality Index

This year, for the fourth year in a row, we have been included in the international index assessing gender equality, diversity and inclusion

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Top Employer

Top Employer

For the 15th time, also in 2024 in we are at the top of the ranking,among the first three Italian companies for excellence in human resource management.

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Together we can make a difference

Hera Group: your Multiservices - Gruppohera ENG - Liferay DXP (16)

we can make
a difference

Sustainability starts with small daily gestures. Read the stories, get inspired and discover how you can contribute to the creation of a more sustainable present and future.

Go to the stories

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Bolle in HP Gruppo

Our Results

We are committed to balancing economic and financial objectives with environmental and social sustainability, to create value for ourselves and for the local area we work in.

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€ million

(+15.4% compared to 2022)

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€ million Shared value EBITDA

52% of total (+16% compared to 2022)

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€ million Revenues

(+25.8% compared to 2022)

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€ million

Net profit attributable to shareholders

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€ million

Investments in innovation and digitalisation

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Customer satisfaction index

Source: 2023 Sustainability report and 2023 Consolidated statements

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Continous Growth

Continous Growth

Development, resilience and creating shared value for stakeholders are at the heart of the Group’s new strategic document to 2027, which foresees investments totalling 4.4 billion to speed up the ecological transition and enhance asset resilience to climate change.

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News hp eng


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Asset Publisher

31/07/2024 Hera Group Italy’s first multi-utility with a Net Zero target The Hera Group’s climate change mitigation strategy is now enriched with the definition of the Climate Transition Plan and the goal of reaching Net Zero by 2050 as regards direct and indirect emissions
31/07/2024 Hera Group: 1H 2024 results approved The consolidated half-year report at 30 June indicates growth in the Group’s main operating-financial indicators and shows its considerable financial solidity, fully in line with the targets set out in the Business Plan.

Upcoming events

Upcoming events

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Asset Publisher

13/11/2024 Aggiungi al calendario Hera Group - Disclosure of 3Q 2024 Financial results Bologna from 26/11/2024 to 29/11/2024 Aggiungi al calendario 7th Utilities and Infrastructure Conference Sydney (Australia) from 15/01/2025 to 15/03/2025 Aggiungi al calendario Business Plan to 2028 Roadshow Europe; United States from 17/03/2025 to 28/03/2025 Aggiungi al calendario Hera Group: Disclosure of financial results as at 31 December 2024 Bologna from 14/04/2025 to 02/05/2025 Aggiungi al calendario Annual General Meeting 2025

Social Wall

Social Wall

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Link al Twitter del Gruppo Hera

youtube homepage NEW

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Related content

Price Sensitive Press Releases

Price Sensitive Press Releases

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Asset Publisher

31 Jul 2024Financial ResultsHera SpaPrice sensitiveHera Group: 1H 2024 results approved Online from 31-07-2024 at 12:57
31 Jul 2024Hera SpaOther press releasesPrice sensitiveHera Group Italy’s first multi-utility with a Net Zero target Online from 31-07-2024 at 11:37
18 Jul 2024Hera SpaOther press releasesPrice sensitiveCircular economy: partnership between Fincantieri and Hera Group Online from 18-07-2024 at 12:00
31 Jul 2024Financial ResultsHera SpaPrice sensitiveHera Group: 1H 2024 results approved Online from 31-07-2024 at 12:57
31 Jul 2024Hera SpaOther press releasesPrice sensitiveHera Group Italy’s first multi-utility with a Net Zero target Online from 31-07-2024 at 11:37
18 Jul 2024Hera SpaOther press releasesPrice sensitiveCircular economy: partnership between Fincantieri and Hera Group Online from 18-07-2024 at 12:00

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Hera SpA, Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4, 40127 Bologna, Tel.051287111 www.gruppohera.it

Hera Group: your Multiservices - Gruppohera ENG - Liferay DXP (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.