Jesus Always, Padded Hardcover, with Scripture Referenc… (2024)


3,164 reviews

February 21, 2019

I was given this devotional for Christmas; but after almost two months, I just can't get into it. It seems to say almost the same thing day after day. It also bothers me that it is written in the first person from Jesus as though Young is quoting things Jesus has said to her. I know it has lots of rave reviews and that I am definitely in the minority, but I have just felt uncomfortable reading these devotions. And I have always believed that if something to do with Jesus/God makes me uncomfortable, then I am being nudged by God away from it.


959 reviews32 followers

September 30, 2016

If you have ever read "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young, "Jesus Always "is another fantastic devotional by her. Her devotional writings are a personal reflection for you to encounter spending time with the Lord as you pray and reflect on scripture in a daily devotional. What I love about Sarah's writing is that she keeps her standards consistent with the Bible, which is something that we cannot say about all books we read today. This devotional will change your quiet time with the Lord as you spend the next 365 days focusing on Jesus. This devotion also focuses on joy and what it means to follow Jesus with joy. It is a beautiful devotional and you will absolutely love it ! It is the perfect gift for a friend or a Christmas gift! I highly recommend it. Thank you to the publishers for providing a complementary copy for review purposes only. I give this devotional 5/5 stars.

Cat Carstairs

266 reviews95 followers

April 17, 2022

"The joy of the LORD is our strength." ~Nehemiah 8:10

I read a page out of this devotional every day throughout 2020, and it helped me to realize so much. In the past, I've read devotionals about taking courage, becoming a child of God, and discovering his will for my life through prayer and patience. This devotional focused on finding joy each and every day because of who Jesus is.

Now, let me ask you a question. If I asked you to define your meaning of joy, what would you say? Being happy? Being so uplifted that nothing can bring you down? Both of those are amazing feelings. But true joy- joy that is expressed in the fruit of the spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23)- is so much more. Dr. Charles Stanley describes spiritual joy as "gladness of heart, not based on circ*mstances; Christ's joy within us that is manifested even in difficult and painful situations."

This kind of joy comes from knowing your security in God. Knowing that no matter what happens, no matter what kind of pain or suffering you endure, you kind find joy knowing that Jesus is so much greater than all of it.

"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken" ~Psalm 55:22

There were so many days when I thought this book was being written just for me at the end of each day. When I was wrestling with something in my mind, Jesus Always held exactly what God needed me to read. That being said, it was a wonderful devotional, but I couldn't quite click with the first-person writing style, with Young writing in the perspective of Jesus. For that reason I took off one star, but I still believe that the author is very close with the Lord- I would just rather the devotional talk to me about God, but not attempt to make it from His POV.

Jesus Always assists us as seeing Jesus in a new light- not just the Son of God and our Savior, but also our true friend and king. Remember, "for even the son of man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28). True friends put each other first, which is exactly what Jesus did for all of us. This book emphasizes who he is, and all that he has planned for us. For he says,

"And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to myself; that where I am, there you may be also" (John 14:3).

It is in this we have our hope. It is in this we can find true joy.

    christian physical-bookshelf


1,800 reviews305 followers

August 27, 2018

Honestly, I had been hoping he Jesus Calling phenomena of Sarah Young would pass away, but the
Evangelical Christian Publishers Association has put even more wind into the sails by naming Young's new book, Jesus Always as its 2018 Christian Book of the Year. I'm disappointed.

Just this past month, author Randy Alcorn summarized his problems with Sarah Young's writing, including comparison to Paul Young's "The Shack." I found it interesting how much my hesitations about this book and those that have followed it, coincide with Alcorn. I also found it interesting that my review of The Shack included reference to one of Alcorn's books as better articulation of Christian fiction.

I also found Alcorn's article helpful because it includes a list of links to other reviews that express concern with the Jesus Calling writings.

I have more books I want to read than time to read. Goodreads helps me be selective and record my thoughts on both books I've read and books like this that I am putting on my Decided-not-to-read shelf.

Here's Randy Alcorn's Jul 2018 article:

The Shack, Young, 2007

Jesus Calling, Young, 2004

    2-caution christian-church culture


919 reviews

January 4, 2023

This book was gifted to me by a friend. I've thoroughly enjoyed the encouragement, the joy and the love expressed through the writing. It is written as if Jesus was talking to you directly. A very uplifting and inspirational devotional. I highly recommend it. I understand Jesus Calling by Sarah Young is also a very good book.

Monica H (TeaandBooks)

742 reviews67 followers

December 29, 2018

I used this daily devotional for all of 2018. So many days, the reading seemed to speak directly to me and was just what I needed to hear.

I would recommend this daily devotional to anyone to use throughout the next year, if you are looking for one.


Create With Joy

682 reviews166 followers

September 23, 2017

If you are looking for a daily devotional that’s designed to increase your joy and strengthen your relationship with Jesus and would enjoy reading it in a luxuriously designed imitation leather format with print large enough that you can comfortably see, then this edition of Jesus Always: Embracing Joy In His Presence is for you!

Author Sarah Young is one of those gifted devotional writers who meditates on the words of God – lets them soak into her spirit – and then writes devotions in the form of Scriptural messages that come from God’s heart straight to you. No pithy sayings. No sentimental stories. No things to add to your to do list each day. Just a devotional that speaks God’s Word into your spirit – followed by Scriptures that illuminate the devotional message for the day.

If you have never experienced this form of devotional, think of it as receiving a personal message from God each day. These devotions speak life into your spirit. They uplift you. They meet you where you are. They truly bring you into the presence of God and help you to connect with Jesus and experience His joy.

I find Sarah's writing inspirational and recommend this book to you!

This review is an excerpt from the original review that is published on my blog. To read my review in its entirety, please visit Create With Joy.

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own, based on my assessment of this book.

    2017-reviews book-reviews

Steve Hudgik

Author4 books1 follower

February 10, 2017

Watch out! This is a highly deceptive book that presents a false "Jesus" hidden in Christian language and phrases. It you read this book listening to your emotions you'll be led astray into New Age/Eastern Religion type practices and beliefs, such as practicing the Presence. If you read this book and compare it with scripture, you'll find that nearly every devotion fails the Berean test.

For example, notice all of the capitalized words in Jesus Always. Words such as Joy, Presence and Glory, and Peace. Why are they capitalized? Because in New Age theology god is in things such as joy, and thus Joy must be capitalized. All of these capitalized words supposedly refer directly to god. Where in scripture do you find anything like that? You don't.

The most common theme is that of coming into the Presence (capital "P") of Jesus. This is accomplished by quieting our thoughts, and maybe whispering the name of Jesus over and over. What "Jesus Always" talks about concerning the presence of God (including twisting the meaning of scripture) is nothing like what scripture says about the presence of God. Read a book such as my book "Should I RUN From Jesus Always?" which provides an in-depth analysis of the Biblical presence of God vs. the "Jesus Always" Presence of god... you'll see there is a MAJOR difference.

To summarize, only read "Jesus Always" if you wish to be lead away from scripture and the real Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

PollyAnna Joy

Author4 books26 followers

January 1, 2021

Thank you, Sarah.

E.F. Buckles

Author1 book48 followers

June 15, 2018

I started this one-year devotional in June last year and have been reading my way through it since then. The daily devotions are short, so there is no excuse, even for busy people not to make time to read them. Each devotion quotes multiple scriptures that apply to that day's topic and provides the references so you can look them up yourself. There were many times when the topic being covered was just what I needed when I needed it. I would recommend this devotional book for anyone from teens to adults.

    devotional non-fiction

Raechel Lenore

Author4 books26 followers

December 24, 2018

I've actually already reviewed the content of this beautiful devotional, but this one is different in style - it is smaller, and the cover more intricate than the last. And oh-so beautiful! It is truly stunning to look at.
As I said in my first review of this book, the devotionals are heart-touching and so meaningful. I love all of the Jesus Calling Devotionals that I have read, as they minister right to the heart. They bring comfort and wisdom, and I highly recommend them. :)


Gail Welborn

609 reviews15 followers

November 20, 2016

***Sarah encourages readers to explore God's scriptural promises in her Oct release***

Missionary and author Sarah Young, best known for her 2004 devotional "Jesus Calling" that went on to sell over 17 million copies worldwide, released a new devotional, 'Jesus Always' this October. Sarah writes in the voice of Jesus in the same way A. J. Russell did with his classic devotional "God Calling" whose writings inspire Sarah.

The attractive, gift-sized book's theme and tone "explore the promises of joy" found in Scripture. From the promise of abundant life to living a life brimful of joy "by embracing Jesus...even during the most challenging times," challenges of which Sarah is very familiar.

The devotional includes 365 one-page readings taken from Sarah's personal thoughts and reflections from what she views as the infallible, inerrant Word of God—the Bible. Using the voice of Jesus personalizes Scripture for readers in ways that other devotions do not and Jesus’ words are always italicized. Devotions conclude with chapter and verse Scripture references at the bottom of the page for additional study.

This devotional was a "marathon" task, writes Sarah due to an "international move" that caused her family to stay "in seven different homes multiple times" while she worked on the book. That also meant their family was disorganized and lived out of suitcases. However life events and difficult health issues also gave her "...more time to be thankful, to look for and find little treasures that brightened her day…to focus on Jesus and enjoy His Presence”.

For some, writing in the voice of Jesus is controversial, yet others identify more with the readings because it appears as if Jesus speaks directly to you. Sarah penned "Jesus Always" to encourage readers to spend more time with God, increase their joy in the Lord and to "strengthen their relationship with Jesus." I think she has done that and more.

'Jesus Always: Embracing Joy in His Presence,' by Sarah Young, Thomas Nelson, 2016, 400 Pages, 978-0718039509, $15.99

Midwest Book Reviews: "Gail's Bookshelf" October 2016
Pinterest: GailWelborn
Twitter: @GailWelborn
FaceBook: Gail Welborn



3 reviews2 followers

March 14, 2024

I discovered Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling" a few years ago. I don't usually follow the latest trend or book that everyone is reading, so I was a bit late to the game. Haha! I had seen a few people post these amazing devotional on social media & was a it curious. It wasn't until I happen to see it at a store one day that I opened it up to that particular day's devotion & read it that I was flooded with such an incredible peace. I had to have that book! And I have read it through for several years now. When I found out that Sarah Young would finally be coming out with "Jesus Always", her first 365 day devotional since "Jesus Calling"...Well, to say that I was thrilled would be an understatement! When this new devotional arrived at my home, I immediately opened it up & read that day's devotion. Wow! Oh wow! It is so good! And just as powerful, comforting, challenging, peaceful, joyful & loving as "Jesus Calling." If you loved that book, there is no doubt that you will adore this one as well. I can not wait to continue reading this wonderful devotional. The Lord certainly has given Sarah Young a gift.

I received this book from Book Look Bloggers for my honest review.


67 reviews

November 3, 2016

I didn't have the privilege of reading Jesus Calling before reading Sarah Young's second book- Jesus Always. But boy, did she do an amazing job on this devotional! I really felt as if her daily devotionals were short enough that you can read it before jumping out of bed in the morning, but in depth enough that the message strikes a cord and sticks with you all day long. These sweet devotionals are absolutely perfect for gifts for any occasion and they will be well received. It really puts Jesus on a personal level for you. Everyone I've talked to about this book says that it changed their walk with Jesus, and I can honestly say that, too! Don't miss this book.

**I received this book complimentary in exchange for my HONEST opinion.**



55 reviews16 followers

June 25, 2018

First of all, I don't HATE this book or even have very negative feelings about it. I just put one star because the other options didn't really fit.

I am not a Bible-believer, so I'm reading this each night strictly because my mother sent me this book, or "spammed" me, as my daughter would phrase it. And if there is inspiration in it to be a better person, or somehow better cope with my life, great.

But I am not happy with the cover's proclamation of "365 Devotions." "365" doesn't mean "for each day of the year," it is a number. And this book includes a devotion for February 29, therefore it has 366 devotions.

Christians, nobody's asking you to worship a monkey or put a Darwin fish on your car. Just learn about calendars for a start.

    my-reviews not-going-to-read

Debbie Hoskins

Author1 book55 followers

June 16, 2020

This is my meditation reading on the back of the toilet for 2018.
It was the last gift my husband gave me. So far I'm liking it. I do want to feel more connected to Jesus. I love the bible quotes she gives for each daily reading. I did finish it on 2018. I tried really hard to know Jesus, the Lord. I even finished it in December 31, 2018.
I still follow an Evangelical artist mentor, Matt Tommey. I like prayer. But God for me is bigger than the Bible. I love the stories of the historical Jesus, but more interested in connecting with Mary Magdalene. As a Morher of a son from a father who didn't stay around. My son has no Father listed on his birth certificate. I like Mother Mary.

    archetypes daily-bread poetic


Author3 books

March 8, 2019

Sarah Young follows up her bestselling devotional Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence with Jesus Always: Embracing Joy in His Presence. This time she focuses on the theme of Joy; the joy Jesus takes in us and the joy we have in Him. The devotions are written from the point-of-view of Jesus and are accompanied by 3-4 bible verses on which they’re based. However, they get a bit repetitive after a while and start to blend together. Still, most of them have something interesting or thought-provoking to consider. It has some weaknesses, but overall Jesus Always: Embracing Joy in His Presence is an uplifting devotional with a positive message.


JK Joy (aka) Jody ☕

764 reviews208 followers

November 27, 2018

Very Positive And Uplifting Devotional

I have always collected devotionals, and when I found out Sarah came out with this one 'Jesus Always' I was more than thrilled, since I have all of her devotionals. It is simple, with some Bible verses to read that are listed at the bottom of each devotional page. It contains 365 devotions for each day of the year. A wonderful resource for reading scripture every day. I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.



937 reviews47 followers

December 31, 2022

This is the perfect short daily devotional that will bring encouragement and wisdom to your days. I read a page a day for the entire year and found it to be helpful and supportive. For the past several years I had been reading Jesus Calling so when I was given this book I already had the habit of sitting down for a few minutes to read. I highly recommend this book, and have given several copies to friends as gifts.

    christian faith nonfiction

Eva Popovich

35 reviews

February 21, 2018

Every morning

I have started my day with these books for several years. Whatever is happening in my life, whatever worries or joys are on my mind, there is something in each devotional to meet me where I am. These small readings are encouraging, and leave space as you are reading them for your own meditations to weave through them, your own prayers. In these quietly encouraging and gently prodding writings, I find a good beginning to every day, no matter what.


2,634 reviews32 followers

November 21, 2016

Written as if Christ is speaking directly to the reader, this joyous year-long daily devotional explores the promises of joy in scripture.
Each devotion offers a short reading complemented by several scripture references related to the day’s reading. Readers will find themselves uplifted and embracing a life of joy.

Highly recommended.


29 reviews

July 3, 2019

My mom lent me this book. I didn't like how it was written in the first-person perspective as if God was writing it. I also didn't like the statements that begin with stuff like "You feel..." as opposed to "You may/can/will feel..." Some connections among the Biblical passages were a bit of a stretch as well.


174 reviews

June 3, 2020

Now I’m not big in devotionals(the only other one I love is My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers)but this was so amazing!
Rating: 5 stars
Recommend: for everyone especially teens
Warning: none

    apologetics author-bios-i-love awesome-authors


27 reviews3 followers

January 1, 2022


    2017-reads 2021-reads devotionals

Paula Girard

50 reviews

April 26, 2020

I like this book but I like Jesus Calling better. Maybe because it was the first. I not really sure. I would recommend you draw your own conclusion.


13 reviews2 followers

March 19, 2020

I think whenever someone speaks on behalf of God, in first person, it makes me hesitant. My dad bought me this as a gift to encourage me, and I was really blessed by the gesture.

I've read Jesus Calling, and this is very similar. I think I would be against it if was only her thoughts, but for the most part, the first person speaking is a rephrasing of the Scripture, which she gives as reference in each day.

It is a really good reminder, and what she shares is similar to how God speaks to me in my own personal quiet times, through bringing to mind scripture and speaking to me through it, into my circ*mstances. And those truths don't change.

I think I would still prefer a third person style, but do still appreciate it, and it has been an encouragement and reminder to me of who God is, and to bring Him into my everyday circ*mstances. I still think it's important to test everything against Scripture and spiritual discernment, even from genuine and faithful believers, because none of us are perfect.

My main critique is that you will quickly see that many scripture references are repeated often, so there is actually not a very diverse catalogue of verses that she pulls from. After a few weeks, I found there weren't any new verses being introduced, but the same ones, which starts to get repetitive. However, it's true that these verses don't lose their power and are good reminders of the character of God. I just think there is a lot of Bible that isn't used, so it would be good to step outside of the reusing the same 30-50 verses.

Overall, I'm grateful for what she has shared, but don't think there is enough original entries to warrant a 365 devotional. At large, I think her rephrasing of Scripture into first person Biblically sound, although some may still be uncomfortable with it. I do believe her heart is right in it, and that it can be a very encouraging and motivating read for people, especially those who struggle to see a personal and relational God in the Bible. Because He is, and the joy of His presence is more than we could hope for or desire!


Author5 books7 followers

September 30, 2020

Author, of Jesus Calling Sarah Young, has compiled a daily devotional to add to her series entitled Jesus Always Embracing Joy in His Presence. The structure, format, and style mirror Jesus Calling. This devotional also includes 365 entries.

Each entrance is a short reading of a few paragraphs. The entry is written as if Jesus is speaking to the reader. There are reference verses at the bottom of the page revealing where in scripture the inspiration for the entrance was found. The original Jesus Calling devotional has the overarching theme of encouraging the reader to sit in the presence of God each day and consider the personal nature of scripture. The theme for this book is Joy. Sarah Young says “Jesus Always is designed to increase your Joy and strengthen your relationship with Jesus.”

My personal experience with reading Jesus Calling as part of my daily devotional is that some days I was encouraged, other days caused me to think differently on a subject and explore it further. This book has done the same in a short time.

“Let me lead you beside quiet waters and restore your soul. Just as lovers don’t need to say much to communicate deeply, so it is in your relationship with Me-the Love of your soul.”

“I am able to see all your flaws and failures, yet simultaneously love you with glorious, unfailing Love.”

These words of encouragement are just two of many statements that fill the pages of Jesus Always. I found the introduction to this book just as impacting as the devotionals I read. This book was created in times of deep distress for Sarah Young. Moving seven times in a short amount of time, increased hearing impairment, vertigo, and other stresses have all been a factor in Sarah Young’s desire to remind us that “we can choose to live this way (embracing joy) even during our most challenging times.” I hope you find Jesus Always just as encouraging as I have!


615 reviews1 follower

January 19, 2018

Sarah Young’s first 365-day devotional since Jesus Calling.
With scripture and new personal reflections, the #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young, brings Jesus’ message of joy—for today and every day. Experience true joy—now and always.
Life today is full of difficulties—loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent. He offers life abundant, life to the fullest, life brimming with joy! Jesus Always, the new 365-day devotional from bestselling author Sarah Young, was written as part of Sarah Young’s exploration of the promises of joy in scripture. Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living—a life of joy.
Reaching out with joy-filled reminders from the Word of God, these devotions will intimately and gently connect you with Jesus—the One who meets you where you are. Draw near to Him in Jesus Always.
Don’t fall for the lie that you can’t enjoy life until the problem has been resolved. In the world you have trouble, but in Me you may have Peace—even in the midst of the mess
I love these devotions by Sarah Young, they are the perfect size for a busy mom, college student or anyone really. These books are my favorite to give as a graduation gift. There is so much everyone can take away from these books.
Sarah does a great job including scripture and keeping each day focused on Jesus.
I rate this book a 5 out of 5 stars


1,157 reviews65 followers

February 3, 2018

Great Devotional but not as good as Jesus Calling...

This 365-day devotional is written in the usual Sarah Young-style in the voice of Jesus. Yes, some people may feel this is heretic but these devotionals use scripture to help the reader understand and feel God’s Word as if it’s coming directly from Him. As usual, Sarah Young doesn’t put loose words in and ascribe them to Jesus, everything is biblical and there are scriptures to back up every devotional.
I used this devotional in 2017, having been excited to find that Sarah Young had done a new devotional in 2016. Prior to this, I’d done 2 back-to-back cycles of Jesus Calling (2015 and 2016) and before that I’d gone through Jesus Today a few of times. Although I really enjoyed this 365-day devotional and the additional month and a half of bonus content and found it to be a blessing, I didn’t feel it was as impactful to my heart as Jesus Calling was or as healing and encouraging to my soul as Jesus Today. There’s nothing wrong with this devotional, it’s just that unlike, Jesus Calling, I didn’t necessarily feel like it spoke to me personally everyday and after finishing it, I didn’t feel the “I want to do this again this year” that I felt with Jesus Calling. This is still a very good 365-day devotional and definitely worth giving a try.


180 reviews

January 4, 2021

In an already tough year exacerbated by a pandemic, I read from this devotional each morning. In 2020 I dealt with anxiety about my mother’s life-changing fall, stepfather’s death, husband’s chronic and acute health issues and surgery, the awkwardness of learning how to do some things my husband normally does, my physical therapy and medical procedures, someone hacking my computer and hijacking my social media, preparing to evacuate because of a nearby wildfire, poor air quality due to the nearby and other wildfires in the region, depression about ongoing tough issues in personal relationships, panic over empty shelves in grocery stores, reading about and watching our nation tear itself apart with hatred and domestic terrorism, seeing reports of resulting damage that bring to mind other images of war-torn countries, uncivil public discourse on all sides, unwise leadership, suspect elections, and becoming a skeptic of news sources. I needed daily reminders to embrace joy in Jesus’ presence. I needed God’s reminders my future is utterly secure and I can learn to follow Him boldly wherever He leads (June 12), He is my Strength and Song (July 12), He surely is training me in patient endurance (July 29), and that He is trustworthy in all times—for He is my Refuge (November 2).

Jesus Always, Padded Hardcover, with Scripture Referenc… (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.